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I am so glad you have stumbled upon my little blog :) My name is Sister Jessica Mae Turley, and I am a Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, serving in Washington D.C., Preaching in American Sign Language! I Love the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it applies to my life every single day in many different ways. Hopefully you gain something from my adventures :) Please feel free to share this blog anywhere you'd like :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I am a Child of God

My thoughts this week have been focused on how His love allows us to reach heights we never could on our own. There have been many moments this week where I have felt that He is simply asking too much of me,
There is no way I could go through with the task at hand. I just am not strong enough. And I am 100% right about that. I am not strong enough on my own. But as I have taken the time to turn to Him and allow Him to lift me up, I have been humbled and much more aware of what is truly possible with His hand.

As I took this silly picture below, I began to ponder it and I was shocked to find a lot of sadness in it. I was excited to take it and then I analyzed it a little bit more... There is so much emptiness in this picture. It is me. Alone. Being as strong as I can. Doing it alone. As I thought about this a little more I was taken back to that original thought. I cannot do this on my own. I need His help. I need to submit my will to His and become more like the children I cherish so very much in my life. 

Children are so gentle, so easy to love even when they make mistakes. They are humble and realize that they cannot do anything without the help or supervision of an adult, of someone who has "been there and done that." They enjoy the simple things in life and they get over things quickly! (usually). This moment at the temple captured my heart. I was so impressed with how much pure joy was radiating from her face. Bliss in a loving moment. How I so wish I could be more like that. 

Just I love the little children I am so blessed to be around, our Heavenly Father and our savior, Jesus Christ, love us just the same. They were willing to provide the atonement and go through anything so that we could return to live with them again. They are always there, with outstretched arms, waiting for us to humble ourselves enough to reach out as well. 

Luke 18:16-17
16: But Jesus called them unto him and said, suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of sch is the kingdom of God. 
17: Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. 

I testify that God loves us, and we are His children. There is no simpler truth than that. And none more empowering and hopeful. 

If you don't know this truth for yourself I plead with you to find it. Pray. Read from the scriptures. Look for the blessings and the examples of love in your life. 

He Loves You.
You are a Child of God. 

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